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Equine Science/Sm. Animal Management

Equine Science
In this concentrated study of horses, topics covered will include breeds, selection, uses, and other horse-related aspects of the agribusiness industry. Nutrition, reproduction, health and management of horses and related enterprises will be emphasized.

Small Animal Management
This course is designed for students preparing for careers in the field of animal science. Small animals which may be included in the course of student include but are not limited to, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, avian, dogs, and cats.


CFISD Equine Science - Scope & Sequence Shelbey Scardino 8/7/2020 617 KB
CFISD Small Animal Management - Scope & Sequence Shelbey Scardino 8/7/2020 437 KB
2020-21 Equine Science Syllabus Shelbey Scardino 9/3/2020 803 KB



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